Services & Pricings
About Mulch
Mulch can be formed from any organic plant clippings, shavings, or cuttings. However, most of the time we are looking for wood mulch.
The thickness of the cut defines texture. Larger texture mulches will last longer, but provide less moisture retention. Conversely, finer shred mulches will provide great moisture retention for a short period of time.
Generally, wood mulch is made from recycled wood. Cypress chips, Cedar mulch, and Pine nuggets come solely from their respective trees.
Dyed vs. Undyed
Dyed mulches add vibrance and color to a landscape. Most dyed mulches use iron-oxide dyes that are biosafe and ecofriendly. Recycled wood is a great option for ornamental gardens; however, it is important to be aware of trace contaminants if used on top of fruit trees. Cedar and compost mulch particularly excel in vegetable gardens and orchards.
$94/yard delivery & install
Designer mulches have a stunning appearance and coarse cut for a full year of color.

$92/yard delivery & install
Certified playground mulch is undyed, safely sourced and reduces the chance of injury.

Starting at $94/yard delivery & install
Mini Pine Bark Nuggets and Large Pine Bark Nuggets have superior lifetimes. Pine bark is immune from fading; as the mulch degrades, more pine bark will be exposed.

Builder Mulch
$67/yard delivery & install
Recycled, triple shredded, undyed mulch is economical and looks great for a few months when building or showing a house for rental or sale.

Triple Shred
Starting at $89/yard delivery & install
Dyed triple shred is great for new gardens and ornamental planting. The triple shred texture improves moisture retention, crucial to the success of newly planted and young plants.

Pine Straw
$12.50/bale delivery & install
Pinestraw is a natural and the most cost-effective ground cover option for large areas. Pinestraw will increase soil acidity, and it is important to rebalance with lime in areas where plant/grass growth is a factor.